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When Should Traders Buy or Sell?
In order to better follow the tips above, it is always recommended that you have defined strategy. Figuring out when you will enter and exit a trade is a prerequisite before you open a live position. Randomly buying or selling a currency pair with no set plan is unlikely to be beneficial, and may well be more stressful. You also won't be able to assess your performance productively as you have no set rules. Only by identifying and sticking to a strategy can you hope to potentially achieve long-term success.
¿Cuál es tu Saldo?
Al operar, el saldo se refiere a la cantidad de dinero que un operador tiene en su cuenta comercial. Sin embargo, es importante recordar que esta cantidad no incluye las ganancias o pérdidas que un operador pueda tener de cualquier posición abierta. Si un operador tiene una posición abierta, su saldo puede cambiar dependiendo de las pérdidas o ganancias que haya obtenido una vez que se cierra la operación (o parte de la operación). El saldo de un operador se encuentra en diferentes secciones de la plataforma de operaciones, dependiendo de si el operador utiliza la plataforma MT4 o MT5.
Introducing FXTM Invest
FXTM Invest is our comprehensive and unique copy trading programme for those looking to venture into investing.
What is Profit Share in FXTM Invest?
FXTM Invest is a state-of-the-art, flexible and user-friendly copy-trading program from FXTM. It offers clients the opportunity to follow the trades of suitable Strategy Managers. A client who foll...
What is the Safety Mode in FXTM Invest?
What is the Safety Mode in FXTM Invest? Another great feature in FXTM Invest is the Safety Mode. This function enables Investors to decrease their risk by half, compared to their Strategy Manag...
What is the Protection Level in FXTM Invest?
What is the Protection Level in FXTM Invest? One of the best features of FXTM Invest is that it allows Investors the opportunity to have control over their funds. Namely, Investors can set a limit ...
How FXTM Invest works
How FXTM Invest works When an Investor follows a Strategy Manager, any trade opened by that Strategy Manager is automatically copied by the Investor at the same time and price. The size of the Inve...
How to Join FXTM Invest
How to Join FXTM Invest So, you’re ready to join FXTM Invest but don’t know how? Simply follow the steps below and you’ll be investing in no time: Open an FXTM account get it verified. This i...