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When Should Traders Buy or Sell?
In order to better follow the tips above, it is always recommended that you have defined strategy. Figuring out when you will enter and exit a trade is a prerequisite before you open a live position. Randomly buying or selling a currency pair with no set plan is unlikely to be beneficial, and may well be more stressful. You also won't be able to assess your performance productively as you have no set rules. Only by identifying and sticking to a strategy can you hope to potentially achieve long-term success.
What is your Balance?
When trading, the balance refers to the amount of money a trader has in their trading account. However, it’s important to remember that this amount does not include any profits or losses a trader might have from any open positions. If a trader has an open position, his or her balance might change depending on the losses or profits he or she has made once the trade (or part of the trade) is closed. A trader’s balance is located in different sections on the trading platform, depending on whether the trader is using the MT4 or the MT5 platform.
¿Qué es la obtención de beneficios en el comercio?
Uno de los niveles de precios precalculados más importantes que utilizan los traders hoy en día se llama Take Profit. Este es un tipo de orden pendiente que se coloca para cerrar una posición rentable...
What are Swaps?
A swap in forex refers to the interest that you either earn or pay for a trade that you keep open overnight. There are two types of swaps: Swap long (used for keeping long positions open overnight) an...
¿Qué son los swaps?
Un swap en Forex se refiere al interés que usted gana o paga por una operación que mantiene abierta durante la noche. Hay dos tipos de swaps: Swap largo (utilizado para mantener abiertas posiciones la...
What is Support and Resistance?
Support and resistance levels are crucial for traders who use technical analysis. These levels show where the focus of supply and demand come together, which helps traders to determine the psychology ...
¿Qué es el soporte y la resistencia?
Los niveles de soporte y resistencia son cruciales para los operadores que utilizan el análisis técnico. Estos niveles muestran dónde se unen el foco de la oferta y la demanda, lo que ayuda a los oper...
What is Stop Out?
Now that you know what Margin Call and Free Margin are, it’s time to find out what Stop Out means. This is the point at which the broker starts closing the least-profitable open positions, in order to...